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Tuesday 6 July, 1880 p3

Australian Joint Stock Bank / Australian Bank Of Commerce LTD - A branch of this bank is now open at Ulmarra for the transaction of all usual banking business, in temporary premises, adjoining Cohen’s Stores, under the management of Walter Hindmarsh.

Barton Lodge, Manager, Grafton.

Saturday 7 August, 1880 p1

Tenders will be received - by the undersigned, where plans and specification can be seen, up to 20 August, for the building of premises for the AJS Bank.

S Cohen.

Tuesday 17 August, 1880 p1

Australian Joint Stock Bank - Head Office, Sydney.

Capital        £500,000

with power to increase to £1,000,000.

Ulmarra branch - Advances made, drafts issued, interest allowed on fixed deposits at highest rates and all usual banking business transacted.

W Hindmarsh, Manager

J McGregor further begs to inform the public that he has leased the premises lately occupied by the Joint Stock Bank, which he intends to open as a salesroom, where any goods entrusted to him can be safely deposited, until offered for sale. All communications promptly attended to.

Tuesday 23 October, 1883 p2

A branch of the AJS Bank - has been opened at Casino and Walter Hindmarsh, manager of the Ulmarra branch, has been appointed to the new office. W Hindmarsh has had charge of Ulmarra since it was opened.

Tuesday 13 November, 1883 p1

J H Munro - has received instructions from W Hindmarsh, to sell by public auction, at the AJS Bank, Ulmarra, 24 November.

Household furniture and effects: Austrian drawing room suite, centre table, fender &c, double bedstead, 2 chests of drawers, toilet tables, looking glass, washstand and sets, dining table, chairs, oilcloth, matting, carpets, breakfast and dinner services, glassware, kitchen utensils.

Saturday 1 December, 1883 p4

Friends of W Hindmarsh - (Manager Ulmarra AJS Bank) met at Browne’s Hotel, 25 November to present him with a testimonial on the eve of his departure for Casino.


We the undersigned, on behalf of a your many friends and well wishers in Ulmarra and its neighbourhood, beg to express our regret at your leaving us for new seen of labour. We beg to tender you our thanks for your litany acts of courtesy and kindness and to assure you of our high sense of your conduct both in your business capacity and as a private individual.

While regretting the occasion which removed you from us, we sincerely hope and trust that the removal may be one of many steps upward on the ladder of success and that in whatever position you may be placed well merited honour and prosperity may attend you.

W Goodger, Mayor.

The Mayor in presenting the address, along with a purse containing £58 1s said it afforded him great ‘pleasure to present this slight testimonial to their esteemed friend W Hindmarsh.

W Hindmarsh thanked them very much for the honour they had done him and for their kind gift, which was quite unmerited. He had only done his duty or at any rate had tried to do it, both to the Bank and its constituents. He would always look back with pleasure to the time he had spent in Ulmarra and nothing would give him more satisfaction than to hear of the prosperity of Ulmarra and its people.

Saturday 22 December, 1883 p8

F A Halliday - formerly of the AJS Bank, Grafton, has been appointed to the managership of the bank here. We have much pleasure in welcoming F A Halliday to Ulmarra, as well as congratulating him on his promotion.

Saturday 28 February, 1885 p8

A Flanders - our Postmaster, who for the past 6 months was doing duty elsewhere, has returned to his post here. E J Hart, of the AJS Bank, is about to leave Ulmarra. E J Hart has been here for 3 years. He will be located on the Richmond.

F A Halliday - Manager of the AJS Bank, is to be promoted to Maclean and Rod Thomas, Lawrence, is to be his successor.

F Halliday has gained a prominent position in social circles here and he will therefore he missed.

Tuesday 30 August, 1887 p2

Friends of F A Halliday - (former Manager of Ulmarra AJS Bank, now of Maclean), gave him a banquet at the Exchange Hotel, Saturday evening last. About 30 persons were present. J B Carlton occupied the chair.

The Chairman proposed the guest, F A Halliday, who he was confident all would admit was a jolly good fellow. If he did not think he was, he would very soon say so. He knew him for the last 3 years as Manager of the A J S Bank and regarded him as a gentleman in every respect and one who was at all times, whether during business hours or not, ready and willing to oblige in every way he could. He thought that while the A J S Bank kept such men as F A Halliday they were bound to succeed in business.

F A Halliday cordially returned thanks. He was not altogether severing connection with Ulmarra. The interests of the Clarence District were so wound up in one another that he may be able to serve some of his Ulmarra friends at Maclean, were he was going. He was very fortunate in having such a place as Ulmarra to begin his management. It was the first place in which he acted as manager and he would leave it with deep regret. He had been in Ulmarra 3½ years, each of which were very bad seasons for the farmers, but, notwithstanding that the district was a sound one financially and was decidedly the centre of the agricultural district of the Clarence.

J H Munro in reply, hoped he would be regarded as one of themselves, as his interest was identical with theirs. He regretted the departure of F A Halliday, who had done so much in the establishment of the Volunteer Corps and in making it a success. They had received very little assistance from the Government and the success of the Cavalry in this district was attributable to the perseverance of the officers.

Tuesday 10 April, 1888 p3

Wanted - general servant. Apply to

Mrs Thomas, A J S Bank.

Tuesday 24 April, 1888 p2

F Halliday - Manager of the AJS Bank, Maclean, has been promoted to the managership of the Murwillumbah branch. For the present R Thomas, of the Ulmarra branch, supplies Maclean and T Bawden, Junior, Ulmarra.

Saturday 4 August, 1888 p1

Commercial Banking Company of Sydney - Ulmarra branch. Capital, £600,000. Reserve Fund, £600,000.

Reserve for equalisation of dividends, £145,000.

A branch of this Bank is now open at Ulmarra for the transaction of all usual banking business.

J Colley, Manager.

Saturday 3 August, 1889 p4

The Commercial Bank - at Ulmarra, is to be closed, owing to the business done not warranting its continuance.

Saturday 10 August, 1889 p5

Business of - the Commercial Banking Company of Sydney branch at Ulmarra, will be transferred to the Grafton office, 19 August.

J Colley, Manager.

Tuesday 23 September, 1890 p8

K McLeod - has received an appointment to open a branch of the AJS Bank at Brushgrove and will leave Ulmarra this week. The establishment of a bank at Brushgrove should prove a great convenience to inhabitants of that part of the district.

Saturday 4 October, 1890 p5

Wanted - Nurse girl, about 14 or 15 years of age. Apply Mrs Thomas, AJS Bank.

Saturday 1 November, 1890 p4

AJS Bank branch promotion - K McLeod, who has been acting manager at Brushgrove, returns to Ulmarra.

Tuesday 25 November, 1890 p2

R A Thomas, Ulmarra - takes charge of the Grafton AJS Bank during Mr Hill’s absence in Sydney.

Tuesday 2 December, 1890 p2

K McLeod - AJS Bank cashier, has received instructions to proceed to Sydney next Wednesday. His friends intend to signify their appreciation of his many good qualities by inviting him to a party to take place on Tuesday night. He is a native of this place.

Tuesday 23 June, 1891 p3

AJS Bank - 2 rooms 24x15ft are to be added to the building and the whole covered with 1 roof, that is the old roof to be removed and a new one taking in the addition, to be erected. The building is to undergo a thorough repair and various minor conveniences provided.

Tuesday 28 June, 1892 p5

R A Thomas - Manager of the Ulmarra AJS Bank, has been promoted to Temora and it is now said without hesitation that in his removal we lose a good citizen and a progressive man. It will not require a large tax on memory to recollect his effort to establish the School of Arts and after it was established taking the burdensome duty of Secretary on himself. This position he held with honour to himself and profit to the institution for sometime. During this period he was occupied with the affairs of the Pioneer Dairy Company, which was indeed no sinecure and it was undoubtedly through his perseverance that the undertaking was completed.

Tuesday 28 June, 1892 p1

J H Munro - has received instructions from R A Thomas, Manager AJS Bank, to sell by public auction at the bank premises, 2 July.

All his household furniture and effects:

First class piano, latest improved Belling; tables, bedsteads, double and single spring, mattresses, cot, Austrian chairs, improved Beale sewing machine, American easy chair, seltzogene, clocks, lamps, cutlery, EP ware, glassware, crockery, dresser, 2 safes, kitchen, table, saucepans, tubs, baskets and a large number of sundries.

Also cow in full milk and pony, with saddle and bridle.

The lot must be sold to highest bidder, as R A Thomas is leaving, in consequence of promotion to another district.

Saturday 27 April, 1895 p5

News of the AJS Bank’s Ulmarra branch - being closed on 30, came on the residents with something more than surprise. It has been established at Ulmarra for about 15 years and has a good reputation.

Saturday 1 June, 1895 p1

To let - after 30 June, commodious cottage, situated in Coldstream Street, containing hall, 9 rooms, kitchen, bathroom, extensive view of river and handy to steamers, at present occupied by the AJS Bank, Ltd. For further particulars apply Manager, Ulmarra AJS Bank, Ltd.

Saturday 8 June, 1895 p5

Grafton’s ES&A Bank manager - visited Ulmarra last Thursday and interviewed a number of memorialists who solicited that the bank open a branch here, in view of the AJS branch closing.

Tuesday30 July, 1895 p4

R Williams - lately engaged here in the AJS Bank, has been appointed to the head office in Sydney. He has been one of the Auditors for the CRPD Co, several times.

Saturday 2 April, 1898 p5

Mr Mapleston - Manager of the ES&A Bank, Grafton, arrived here on Tuesday last, with the information that his bank was going to open an agency in Ulmarra for 2 days a week - Tuesday’s and Friday’s. Possibly, if inducement offered, they might establish a branch. People generally are much pleased that even this convenience is supplied them. But from the general tone of those signing the petition to the Union Bank, they feel disinclined to promise support to the ES&A Bank until the decision of the Union Bank is received. However, the efforts to get some convenience of the sort has brought forth the above mentioned result. The agency will be conducted in a room in Coldstream Street, in good position.

Tuesday 26 November, 1901 p1

McFarlane and Yoole - have received instructions from the mortgagees to to sell by public auction, 13 December, at the School of Arts, the properties:

Lot 6 - The Lot adjoining the NCS Co’s manager’s residence. It has a frontage of 140ft to Coldstream Street and a similar frontage to River Street, within a few yards of the Public wharf. On it is a dwelling containing 10 rooms and kitchen, being the old bank premises.

There is, besides, a piece of the land available for building and being a corner block makes it one of the most valuable sites in Ulmarra.

Saturday 5 September, 1903 p4

The English, Scottish and Australian Bank have made arrangements to open a branch at Ulmarra, 1 October. Their premises will be those now occupied by T Glissan as a residence. T Glissan intends to move into his own house next to his business premises.

Saturday 10 October, 1903 p5

The English, Scottish and Australian Bank, Ltd - on, Thursday, opened a permanent branch here. This is a matter of very great importance to residents of the district. Some years ago we had a branch of the Australian Joint Stock Bank established here, but after the bank crisis it was removed. Chiefly through the efforts, of the Mayor, A H Spring and a few others, the ES and A Bank were induced to open an agency here twice a week. Business has increased so much in the banking line that the necessity for a permanent branch was admitted by the officers of the bank. Our old and esteemed friend, W E Wilson, fills the position of Bank Manager and as he is well liked it is safe to say business will increase. The bank is in the premises lately occupied by T Glissan (originally the AJS Bank premises.)

Saturday 16 January, 1904 p8

ES&A Bank - Carr Cameron has been appointed probationer for clerkship in the Ulmarra branch and Edward Yoole transfers to Mullumbimby to hold a similar position.

Tuesday 16 August, 1904 p8

Carr Cameron - has passed the Bankers’ Institute Examination. His appointment to Ulmarra ES&A Bank is confirmed.

Tuesday 20 June, 1905 p4

The ES and A Bank - is being thoroughly renovated - Strauss Brothers, contractor.

Saturday 24 March, 1906 p12

C Cameron - has transferred to the head office, Sydney, of the ES and A Bank. A number of his local companions presented him with a silver mounted pocket-book, accompanied with the good wishes of all.

Tuesday 31 July, 1906 p1

Birth - Wilson: At her residence, the ES&A Bank, 29 July, the wife of W E Wilson, a son.

Saturday 16 February, 1907 p1

Wanted, a reliable girl - as general servant. Apply Mrs Wilson, ES&A Bank.

Saturday 4 April, 1908 p1

Birth - 1 April, at the ES and A Bank, Ltd, the wife of W E Wilson, a daughter.

Tuesday 7 April, 1908 p4

Mrs W E Wilson - the wife of W E Wilson, died on Saturday, aged 38.

A great shock to many people throughout the district who were unaware of her illness.

Tuesday 2 June, 1908 p8

Death - Last Sunday the 1 year and 10 months old son of W E Wilson, ES and A Bank, passed away from an attack of laryngitis. The father recently having suffered the loss of his wife.

Saturday 25 July, 1908 p2

B T Barnes - of Grafton, has been appointed to the position of Junior Clerk in the Ulmarra branch of the ES and A Bank and commenced duty last week.

Saturday 22 May, 1909 p1

Tenders - are invited for repairs, painting and additions to premises occupied by ES&A Bank.

Saturday 23 October, 1909 p4

Mr McGrath - connected with the the ES and A Bank for the past few months, has been transferred to a branch in Queensland. He will be succeeded by E Yoole, son of Mrs E Yoole.

Saturday 5 February, 1910 p2

Ulmarra Municipal Council - on Thursday.


W E Wilson - Manager of ES&A Bank, asking permission to erect certain buildings on the Bank’s property.

The Australian Joint Stock Bank was a bank in Australia. It operated from 1852 to 1910, after which it became the Australian Bank of Commerce and then was taken over by the Bank of New South Wales in 1931. (Wikipedia)

Timeline of Ownership - 1 Coldstream ULMARRA NSW 2463

1857​​ 9 May​​​ By Grant from the Crown to EDWARD G CHOWNE ​​​​​​​from Sir William Thomas Denison Knight

​​​​​Governor of the Colony

1881​​ 29 March​ ​Covenanted in Conveyance​EXECUTORS of R.B.HILL

1890 ​​30 September  - ​Staturtory Declaration ​SAMUEL CHOEN


​​​​​Abstract of Title​​ ARCHIBALD CAMERON



May​​​ Agreement for Sale​​ TRUSTEES for the ESTATE ​​​​​​​​​​of  SAMUEL FEATHERSTONE 


​​​​​to ​​​​THE AUSTRALIAN JOINT ​​​​​​​​​​​STOCK BANK


1909​​ 6 October - ​​Indenture of Conveyance​ARCHIBALD CAMERON

​​​​​​​​​THOMAS HATFIELD Younger

​​​​​to​​​​ THE AUSTRALIA BANK of ​​​​​​​​​​​COMMERCE LTD

1930​​​​​ Abstract of Title​​ THE AUSTRALIA BANK of ​​​​​​​​​​​COMMERCE LTD

​​5 December​ ​Agreement for Sale​​ THE AUSTRALIA BANK of ​​​​​​​​​​​COMMERCE LTD 


1931​​ 3 March​​Deed of Conveyance​​ THE AUSTRALIA BANK of ​​​​​​​​​​​COMMERCE LTD


​​3 March​​Indenture of Mortgage​ ALCORN HOWARD BAKER

1934​​ 9 August​​Statutory Declaration​ALCORN HOWARD BAKER

​​21 August​​Discharge of Mortgage​ ALCORN HOWARD BAKER

​1938​​ January​​ Abstract of Title​​ ALCORN HOWARD BAKER

​​24 January​​ Deed of conveyance​​ ALCORN HOWARD BAKER


1940​ ​9 May​​​ Deed of Mortgage​​ ELSIE MAUD COUSEMAKER





​​14 May​​ Staturtory Declaration​ ELSIE MAUD COUSEMAKER

1949​​ 13 January​​ Discharge of Mortgage​ ELSIE MAUD COUSEMAKER





1955​​ 25 August​​ Deed of Conveyance​​ ELSIE MAUD COUSEMAKER



​​25 August ​​Deed of  Mortgage​​ HAROLD BERT BULTITUDE




2022​​ May​​​ Sale to ​​​PETERS 

​​​​​​​​​and ZILLMAN